Announcing Cucumber-JVM v2.1.0
  October 30, 2017

Cucumber-JVM v2.1.0 has been released. This release fixes two regressions introduced in v2.0.x:

  • The Json Formatter embeddings node was wrongly named embedding
  • Lambda step definitions did not correctly include the feature file in the stack trace

Additionally two older bugs were fixed:

  • When using timeouts a race condition could leave the interrupted flag set on the thread executing steps. This would cause one of the following steps to trip up.
  • Glue classes annotated with Springs @Commponent annotation would cause Spring to complain about multiple matching beans. The SpringFactory now throws an exception explaining the problem before this can happen.

This release also adds support for:

  • Springs @BootstrapWith annotation
  • Plugins can be created with a String parameter
  • Plugins can be created with an optional parameter

Please note that there will be no release for Scala, Groovy, Clojure, Jython, JRuby, Rhino, and Gosu.

For the full change log, see