Cucumber Ltd acquired by SmartBear

When we founded Cucumber in 2013, our goal was to provide commercial services and products that would fund the development of the Cucumber open source project.
Today I’m excited to announce that Cucumber Ltd has been acquired by SmartBear. We have spent half a year getting to know each other, and I am very confident that the Cucumber project will be in good hands.
SmartBear has a track record of acquiring teams behind successful open source projects, boosting their capacity with more people, and building commercial products around them. SoapUI/SoapUI Pro and Swagger/SwaggerHub are two examples of this. These products' success depends on the success of their open source siblings.
In the short term we'll be 2-3 people working full-time on the Cucumber open source product, supported by SmartBear. This will give us a huge productivity boost. It will also let us focus on new exciting features, and not just bug fixes and platform upgrades. We'll also be able to offer much better support to our amazing community of users and contributors.
Cucumber and SmartBear are also aligned with our commercial products. The Cucumber Jam team will be joining the SmartBear HipTest team to build collaboration tools in the BDD and testing space.