It's taken us a while, but we're pleased to share the CukeUp AU 2016 videos with you. We've had some boring problems getting the files from our AV guy, but that's all behind us now. You can now feast yourself on some high-quality BDD and Cucumber content.
Watch all the talks on our YouTube channel.
Alongside Hamish and the folks at Mechanical Rock, we organised CukeUp AU, a single-track conference focused on helping teams collaborate. Short talks mix with collaborative workshops designed to bring BAs, developers and testers together to build higher-quality software.
In each talk you'll find some golden advice, but here's a few videos you should start with.
Katrina Clokie: We just want chocolate
Katrina delivered an entertaining talk about how initial enthusiasm for BDD can fizzle out. You'll learn where your current process fits in the model, simple ideas to drive movement through the lifecycle by creating change in your team, and some reassuring words that building high-quality software isn't easy.
Michele Playfair and Donella Fardoulis: Amigos Apart
Michele and Donella share ideas for collaborating when you're team isn't co-located.
Elise Aplin: Can the real MVP please stand up?
Elise discusses the common mistakes teams make when crafting a Minimum Viable Product. She outlines the hurdles in the way of getting it right and the simple things that we can all do to ensure that we aren’t just throwing the buzzword around and instead create value.
Watch all the talks here.