It’s here! The [CukeUp! Australia][3] Call for Papers is now live and accepting responses. You have until August 9th to deliver your proposal - that's pretty soon, so don't leave it to the last minute. We’re looking for talks and workshops that will educate and inspire BDD enthusiasts - so if your team is just starting on the road to BDD, you've got a story to tell about how you improved business and IT communication, or some nifty tips to test the untestable – we want to hear from you!
We’re especially keen to hear from people who haven’t spoken at conferences before. If you are worried about presenting alone, feel free to pair with someone on your team. The CukeUp community is very friendly and this is a safe way to dip your toes in the public speaking arena.
We're also partnering with [Speak Easy][2], an initiative to increase diversity and encourage new voices to submit. Find out more about our CukeUp<>Speak Easy partnership on the [conference event page][3].
To find out more and apply, head to the [CfP form][1].
Good luck!
The CukeUp! Team