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Mocking and stubbing

Mocking is usually discouraged when using Cucumber; ideally you would exercise as much of your stack as possible. There are cases when using mocking can come in handy. For example, if your system depends on a third party. If you have a dependency on an external system, we recommend using stubs instead of mocks. You can set up mocks with expectations in your step definitions.


Different mocking frameworks may serve different purposes:

  • Mockito is a framework for the creation of test doubles in automated unit tests for the purpose of TDD or BDD.
  • You can use MockServer for mocking any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS (i.e. services, web sites, etc).
  • WireMock is a simulator for HTTP-based APIs, similar to MockServer.


If you are using cucumber-js, there are many test frameworks to choose from. Which one you use, may depend on other JavaScript frameworks your project is using and / or personal preference.


RSpec 2.x​

Starting with Cucumber 0.8.4, you can use all of RSpec's supported mocking frameworks (RSpec, Mocha, RR, Flexmock). Use require 'cucumber/rspec/doubles' (test-double is a more generic term than mocks and stubs).

Perhaps place your stub action within a block as below:

require 'cucumber/rspec/doubles'

RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do
stub_resp = {"city"=>"San Francisco", "state_abbreviation"=>"CA", "state"=>"California", "mailable_city"=>true}

click_button "check zip"