Gherkin ❤️ Git - Discovering CucumberStudio’s beta Gherkin editor

For years people have been asking us to make it easier for their non-technical team members to create and edit Gherkin scenarios. For years we’ve resisted, insisting that the best BDD workflow puts the onus for writing Gherkin on the people with the most to learn about the new feature - i.e. the developers. 

As a result of this high-minded purism of ours, we’ve seen people resort to sharing their Gherkin in all kinds of unlikely places – Word documents, Jira tickets, Excel spreadsheets, Facebook posts. OK maybe not the last one; Gherkin scenarios are way too truthful for Facebook 😜 

Although we still recommend this workflow, we appreciate that it’s not always possible or realistic in the real world. We know that for your living documentation to be truly living, it needs to be connected directly to git. For it to be a _single source of truth_ everyone on the team needs to be able to modify and refine it. 

For the past few months, our team have been working on a new feature to allow CucumberStudio users to create and edit Gherkin feature files directly in their team’s Git repo. 

It’s still early days for this feature, but we’d like to show you how it works and get your feedback. 

As a bonus, we’ll show you around the new open-source microservice, git-en-boite, that the team have developed (using BDD of course!) to support the new editor. 

Dana Prey
Matt Wynne
Steve Tooke

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