BDD public training classes
  November 28, 2017

Software teams often struggle to sell Behaviour-Driven Development to management because they can't justify the required investment.

Management might acknowledge the benefits BDD promises on paper, but they can't rationalise a wholesale change in approach when faced with the constraints of budgets and deadlines.

It is, in short, a difficult sell.

But one way we've found teams can bridge this gap is to attend one of our public courses. By experiencing BDD in a classroom environment with peers in a similar position, you can start to get answers to the questions you and your organisation have.

This training is perfect for developers, testers or anyone from the business who wants to learn the fundamentals of BDD, meet others in a similar situation, and confidently explain the benefits of BDD to a colleague or superior.

Our trainers include the creator of Cucumber, the authors of the must-read literature on BDD, and the core team behind Cucumber Ltd.

Here are our training dates for 2018