Domain Storytelling - Cucumber Podcast
  December 12, 2018

This month on the Cucumber Podcast we speak to Stefan Hofer about Domain Storytelling. Stefan describes Domain Storytelling as "a workshop format which helps people have a conversation about their domain; the idea is that domain experts tell stories that explain how people and software systems work together."

Although well known and celebrated in the Domain Driven Design community, Domain Storytelling is starting to be discovered by software teams wanting to find innovative ways to build shared understanding.

Asking the questions from Cucumber is Matt Wynne and Sallyann Freudenberg.


Domain Storytelling

Find Context Boundaries with Domain Storytelling - Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwenter - Link

CukenFest London - Our annual BDD conference happening on April 4th-5th 2019 - Link

The "Swim" System - Link

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