Aruba 0.10.0 released
  October 30, 2015

We are pleased to announce aruba version 0.10.0. For a detailed list of changes, please have a look at our or use the diffing feature of Github.

Notable Changes

  • Fix '"#exit_timeout" is deprecated' error (issue #314)
  • Add some new steps to make writing documentation easier using "cucumber", "rspec", "minitest" together with "aruba" - see Feature for some examples
  • Write output of commands directly to disk if SpawnProcess is used
  • Refactored API of cucumber steps to reduce the need for more methods and make it easier for users to write their own steps (issue #306)
  • Added aruba init to the cli command to setup environment for aruba (issue #308)
  • Added new method delete_environment_variable to remove environment variable
  • Added work around because of method name conflict between Capybara and RSpec

Known issues


There are still failing tests of our test suite on Windows. We're working on that.

Upcoming changes

Better documentation

We're going to improve our documentation. Starting with 0.11.0 or 0.12.0 you can expect to find our documentation on relish. So please stay tuned.

Improved support for windows

Fix the windows issues

New event based notification framework for hooks

We're going to take over some code from cucumber to make our hooks a little bit easier and also improve the user experience of our announcers.